Are Industrial Parts Such as Air Rams Considered “Essential”?

air rams

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand, manufacturers and distributors are facing challenges on several fronts. At the outset of the economic disruption, the industry had to question whether industrial parts such as valves, cylinders, air rams, etc. were considered as “essential.” The answer was a “yes” because many industries are dependent on industrial parts and spares such as electricity and water distribution, and oil and gas, to name a few.

Workforce Issues

Manufacturers and distributors of industrial parts and spares – though deemed essential – faced a daunting issue with its workforce. Many companies found it difficult to adopt immediate safety measures for their employees since the type of work could not be done remotely from home. Also, the fear of outbreaks within the ranks as well as employees who needed to take care of sick family members and travel restrictions severely depleted the workforce. 

Supply Chain Issues

Manufacturers and distributors also faced the issue of weakening links in the operational and supply chain since transport deliveries had to prioritise more urgent essentials such as food and medical supplies and equipment. Because of the scarcity of transports, continued supply chain bottlenecks occurred within Australia and internationally, especially in areas hardest hit by the pandemic.

Though some industrial parts and spares are deemed essential, another bottleneck was where said parts and spares originated. Countries of origin such as the U.S. and most of Europe were at complete lockdown. Thus, whatever was deemed essential coming from these countries took longer than normal to reach their destinations.

Looking Forward

Manufacturers and distributors will need to look beyond their economic viability if they are to work hand-in-hand with the companies they need to supply. They will need to coordinate closely with these companies to forge plans that are essential to both public safety, operations, and distribution. This is most relevant to manufacturers and distributors of critically essential components, parts, spares, and other finished goods in areas of critical importance to the country, such as essential repairs of infrastructure (bridges, roads, etc.), energy and power, transport, communications, food, and agriculture. 

Master Mac 2000

As a main distributor of such essential components as valves, cylinders, and air rams, Master Mac 2000 understands that this will be an enormous load to carry, and it will mean taking every measure possible to supply critical components to companies while also trying to survive in the present and thrive once again in the future. For your critical component needs, visit Master Mac 2000 at their website,

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